With the installation of solar panels in its offices, Bridgestone Costa Rica contributes to the achievement of the SDG 7, Target 7.2:: By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
Bridgestone Costa Rica strives to improve energy efficiency at all business levels. During 2017, 202,176,468 MJ of electric power was consumed. There was an increase of 9.3% (17,185,032 MJ) with respect to 2016 because the total weight of tires produced increased from 37,474.54 t in 2016 to 42,495.59 t in 2017, which required greater consumption of electric power.
The energy consumption in steam was 4,180,360 liters bunker and 8,291,294 kilos pellets. In Bridgestone Costa Rica, there are no heating consumptions or energy sales. The control and monitoring of energy consumption is carried out by reading an electric meter and monthly bills. The value is extracted through the emission management system certified under the INTE ISO 14064 standard.