For Bridgestone Mexico, it is important to improve the quality of its service and highlight why customers are important to the company. It consistently works on the innovation of new initiatives to live up to the Quality Mission Statement. Part of this is done through the training provided for dealers every year.
The following courses were taught in 2017:
In addition to the training courses provided, Bridgestone has a Business School that functions as a specialized training entity for dealers. It is aligned with the company's philosophy based on the pillars of quality, creativity, and innovation, to generate value and professional growth.
The program was designed to certify dealer managers and select business partners on key competencies for sales and customer service. Some of the topics addressed in 2017 included people management, retail management, and business skills.
To date, the Bridgestone Business School has taught more than 1,500 hours of its program courses to students throughout the Northern Latin America region, including 34 students from México.
Part of this program also includes nine students from the School of Scientific and Technological Studies of the State of Morelos (CECyTE) who joined the Mexican Dual Training Model (MMFD) with support from Bridgestone.
CECyTE Morelos is the first educational subsystem in the state that operates the MMFD. A model designed and promoted in Mexico by the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) in light of the challenges faced by young graduates completing their Secondary Technology Education, who lack experience or find that careers are saturated in the market, which translates into high unemployment and underemployment rates. The programs offered as part of this dual model include Industrial Maintenance Technician, Administrative Processes Management Technician, and Programming Technician.
Bridgestone México, through its Bussiness School,, is the first tire company in the country to formally develop and implement innovative academic programs and new learning experiences approved by the national education authorities. Such is the case of the Mexican Dual Training Model (MMFD) that will give the students participating in the education program a competitive advantage.