In order to close the virtuous circle that the company has created to ensure the sustainable management of its purchases and supplies, Bridgestone Mexico once again delivered the “Supplier of Excellence Award” that honors suppliers for their strong performance and compliance levels in five categories.
The 2017 award edition included the assessment of spare parts suppliers and service pro:
1. Universal Tire Mold / Technical performance
2. Himile Mechanical / Cost
3. Hardware Services /Compliance
4. Hardware Services / Service
5. Himile Mechanical / Passion for excellence
Countless improvements have been achieved with the benefit provided by the Bridgestone Mexico supply chain. Its performance and compliance make it possible for the company to continue Serving Society with Superior Quality. However, the benefits are not limited to Bridgestone alone as the suppliers improve their environmental and social criteria and processes, certifications, and approach to corporate social responsibility.
Bridgestone was recognized by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) as a company that promotes social responsibility in its value chain.