Portfolio Alignment to Achieve Net Zero by 2050

As a financial institution, Santander Mexico fully understands the responsibility we have to protect the environment and to mitigate climate change. As such, we have committed to reducing the environmental impact of both our facilities and in-house operations as well as our banking and financial activities by designing environmental and social products and services.

In 2021, the Group became a founding member of the UNEP FI’s1 Net-Zero Banking Alliance, the goal of which is to create a zero-emission economy and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

As such, we focus on four strategic areas:

1. United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative.

We have set ourselves specific objectives and commitments at a Group level to decarbonize the most polluting sectors and activities in order to help combat climate change and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050:

To learn more about our decarbonization strategy, see Santander Group’s Responsible Banking Report 2022.