Risk Management

We have a Corporate General Risk Framework that outlines the common principles that allow us to plan, identify, assess, reach decisions, mitigate, monitor and access information regarding possible risks. This enables us to ensure the proper execution of our operations through a solid culture of risk among our employees.

Corporate General Risk Framework

The purpose of our governance bodies, including the Comprehensive Risk Management Committee (CAIR) – which falls under the auspices of the Board of Directors – is to facilitate effective and efficient decisions regarding risks, monitor risk controls, and ensure that risks are managed in accordance with the risk appetite defined by the Bank’s Board of Directors.

Principles of our Corporate General Risk Framework:
This framework comprises three lines of defense:

The classification of risks plays a fundamental role in their effective management and control. Our Corporate General Risk Framework allows us to classify key risks to the Bank, including credit, market, liquidity, structural, operational, compliance, reputational, model, and strategic risks. Furthermore, we also consider risks relating to the environment and climate change as they may have an impact on existing mid- and long-term risks.

Actions within the Culture of Risks

We strive to bolster a solid culture of risk to ensure that all our employees have the attitudes, values, skills and guidelines necessary for them to proactively identify and manage risks stemming from their day-to-day activities.

During 2022, we coordinated the following activities:

Name Description
Risk Pro Week A Group event to raise awareness of everyone’s role as risk managers.
Employee Induction Program Including training in issues focusing on risks.
Courses and Training All employees must complete their risk courses and training.
Employee Target Setting Setting annual targets encompasses a section dealing with risks based on each employee’s role within their team.

Through the Risk Culture Department, we were recognized for the correct management of risks in the following business areas:

• Risk Pro Champion for Contact Center Employees.
• Risk Pro Branch for Best Risk Management and Profitability.
• Risk Pro for Operations Employees.