Effective Community Engagement

We are committed to engaging with all neighboring communities by promoting open and fluid dialogue to discuss our policies and projects.

A major part of this process is the coordination of joint meetings between Canacol, community members, and government entities. This interaction facilitates the sharing of diverse views related to the development and progress of communities, while also verifying our fulfilment of contractual social commitments.

In line with our Comprehensive Social Responsibility policy, our community engagement is based on:

US$.2 million
in social investment in the neighboring communities.
people benefited in 2019.

1. Gas Supply for Domestic Use:

The Gas Massification Project (a residential gas distribution network) will supply more than 5,000 households at full implementation.
of the City Gate (pressure regulation and odorization) connected to Canacol’s Jobo gas processing infrastructure.
of the distribution network linking 7 villages to the City Gate.
and services for the project were contracted from local companies with labor sourced within the communities.
saved 86.7% versus prior LPG monthly gas expenses and 30 monthly hours of firewood gathering and preparation.

2. Potable Water Access

In 2019, 22 projects providing new or refurbishing inoperable solar-powered water wells, treatment plants, and aqueducts were completed.
households (approximately 6,031 people benefited), and 26 villages.

3. Public Infrastructure Improvements

In 2019, we constructed 17 community spaces, a youth sports facility, and refurbished 25 kitchens for needy households.
2,019 people benefited.

4. Strengthening of Local Institutions

Training modules in 2019 included employment regulations, administrative skills, business skills, and process development.
106 JACS participated in 220 training modules.

5. Increasing Access to and Quality of Primary and Secondary Education

We supported education in vulnerable local and ethnic communities.
students and 25 communities benefited.

6. Fostering Entrepreneurial Projects

Canacol desires to stimulate growth in the regional economy beyond gasdevelopment related activities.
hours of training in 50 communities.
projects provided with seed capital.

7. Humanitarian Aid

We implement a Humanitarian Aid model to identify the needs of the most vulnerable communities. This aid focuses on the areas of:
  • Support for cultural activities.
  • Support for sporting events.
  • Improving local markets.
  • Providing medical support.
  • Developing local infrastructure.
  • Providing funeral benefits.

Rural Agricultural Communities

associations benefitted.
people benefited.
hours of training regarding business, commercial and technical aspects.
employment opportunities were created.
thousand in revenue for the Associations.

The Entretejiendo

The Entretejiendo Foundation was created by Canacol to improve the quality of life in our neighboring communities through the structuring and execution of medium and long-term social investment projects.

thousand leveraged (62% of the total invested during the year) with matching funds from third parties.

Projects developed in 2019:

The Entretejiendo Foundation implements innovative solutions to social challenges in the regions, with a focus on comprehensive participation among communities, authorities, and other strategic partners.

leaders, technicians and Transparent and Effective Public and Community Management professionals trained and three projects were chosen to be presented to OCAD11.
11. Colombian institution in charge of approving the royalty projects.

Youth Entrepreneurship and Leadership

The winning projects were:

  • “Vivero Sembrando Futuro”: creating flora and reforestation campaigns.
  • “Piscisol”: consolidating productive vocations within the region through farming and the sale of fish for human consumption.
  • “Capi.net”: promoting digital literacy by offering training for children and adults in basic computing concepts.
  • “Crearte Sueños”: promoting local art by showcasing painting, sculpture, and dancing on town streets.

School Attendance through Sustainable Alternatives

In 2019, we followed up with the 13 schools selected for the program.

Biodiversity Protection

In 2019, 212 students and teachers, not to mention community researchers, were offered training. This led to the addition of 572 general observations in the international database, of which 198 were registered with a degree of observation.

greements with local governments to implement this process at schools within their towns.
art events and several sporting events to promote recycling.

school facilities created by students and teachers trained through recycling workshops.
people received training to teach the Creative Free Time model.

Clean Water for All

Through the Pisotón model, created by Universidad del Norte, we trained teachers and caregivers to promote healthy emotional development on young children.

In 2020, the project will focus on installing water refrigeration systems and water towers in five additional schools.

schools in Sahagún and La Unión.
children benefitted in 2019.

Early Childhood Emotional Education

Through the Pisotón model, created by Universidad del Norte, we trained teachers and caregivers to promote healthy emotional development on young children.

The program’s focus in 2019 was to include parents in training and analyze the impacts on rural communities.

Quality Healthcare Access Divide among Vulnerable Populations

people were treated during medical campaigns in three different municipalities.

people were treated during surgical campaigns aimed at women, children, and the elderly.
cats and dogs received treatment during veterinary campaigns.

Creative Use of Free Time and Healthy Interaction within the Education Community

schools have incorporated this model into their Institutional Education Plans.