Occupational Health and Safetys

Our Sustainability (HSEQ) Policy embodies a participative philosophy to promote employee health and safety in all areas and all levels of the organization.

For the SVIR indicator, the company has performed satisfactorily with 0 accidents for two consecutive years, exceeding the established goal.

2017 2018 2019
Target Performance Target Performance Target Performance
Lost-time injuries frequency rate (LTIFR) 3 2.69 2.83 1.08 2.71 2.29
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate TRIR 3 2.69 2.83 1.08 2.71 2.62
Severe Vehicle Incident Frequency Rate SVIR Base line 0.33 0.31 0.00 0.3 0.00

* The Severity Index is calculated as follows: Ʃ (# Days Lost) * 240.000/ _ Hours Worked
** Compared to the forecasted limit for the year of 11.4.