Results that Generate Wellness

Economic Performance

Canacol had a healthy economic performance in 2019. Contractual gas sales, before royalties, improved by 25.9% compared to the previous year, which was an increase of 29.3 MMcfpd, from 113.3 MMcfpd to 142.6 MMcfpd.

Economic Value Generated and Distributed

We use these two metrics as critical indicators of the financial and social value we create and subsequently share with our stakeholders. They describe the economic costs, benefits, and investments we make throughout the year.

Operational Performance13

Canacol’s operational performance in 2019 was excellent. We drilled a total of seven wells (three exploratory and four development).

13. For more information on operational performance, refer to the MD&A of December 31, 2019 on the website.
increase in total gas production volume in 2019.