• Annual Report | Responsible Banking 2021
Letter from the Executive President

and Chief Executive Officer of Santander Mexico

In 2021, Santander continued positioning itself as a solid institution and, alongside its customers and as part of its unwavering commitment to Mexico, as a Responsible Bank. Without a shadow of a doubt, it has been thanks to our strategies and the extraordinary hard work of our employees that we have been able to adapt to the major challenges societies around the world have been facing, in addition to understanding and meeting the needs of our customers and accelerating our transformation to offer them more and better innovative products and services, in keeping with our mission of driving the progress of people and companies. We do all of this while promoting financial inclusion and education in Mexico, supporting young people and entrepreneurs throughout our country, and raising awareness and accompanying our customers on their transition to a greener economy.

Héctor Grisi Checa
Executive President and CEO of Santander Mexico