The goal of our Corporate General Risk Framework is to stipulate common principles for risk control and management within the Bank. The Framework defines roles and responsibilities, in addition to establishing the requirements for proper governance. It defines and identifies key risk types for the Bank: credit, market, liquidity, structural, operational, compliance, reputational, model, and strategic. Furthermore, we also consider environmental and climate change-related risks as they may have an impact on existing mid- and long-term risks.
Actions within the Culture of Risks
Every year, we strive to raise awareness about the Culture of Risks through a number of actions and initiatives involving our employees. This is why we have an annual compensation model that incorporates risk management variables.
This model assesses directors, managers and operational staff. We incorporate Risk Control Variables into this calculation in order to ensure coherence between our goals and all associated risks. This calculation is based on four categories that encompass all major risks:
- •Credit Risk.
- •Market Risk.
- •Operational Risk.
- •Compliance.
Each of our employees completes a risk management self-assessment throughout the year, and, based on the area in which they operate, they will have to attain a certain percentage of compliance.
We use a technological platform to offer courses to all Bank employees, covering areas such as:
- • General Risk Framework.
- • Credit Risk.
- • Model Risk.
- • Market Risk.
- • Risk Appetite.
- • Operational Risk.
- • Reputational Risk.
- • Risk Control and Admission.
- • Counterparty Risk.
- • Common Risk.
- • Strategic Risk.
- • Environmental Risk.
- • Structural and Liquidity Risk.
- • Capital Risk.
- • Technological Risk.
- • Data Protection and Classification.
- • Identity Theft.
- • Accounting 101: Accounting and Bank
Management (Basic).
- • Fundamentals of Finance (Statistics, Basic Metrics and
Probability, and Financial Analysis).
- • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
- • Introduction to Financial Mathematics.
- • Calculation of Provisions.
- • Related Parties.
- • Agile Fundamentals.
We continue striving to promote a Culture of Risks within the Bank through marketing strategies, including campaigns, activities, dynamics and promotions in collaboration with strategic areas in order to identify daily risks.