• Annual Report | Responsible Banking 2021
Value for

our stakeholders

We have identified and constantly work alongside our stakeholders in order to forge transparent relationships that are based on trust, in addition to driving economic progress and sustainable solutions. Our General Sustainability Policy encompasses these stakeholders, in addition to outlining the principles and commitments that allow us to generate value alongside them: employees, clients, shareholders, investors, suppliers, authorities, regulators, supervisors and Civil Society Organizations.

In order to develop trust-based relationships with each of our stakeholders and comply with the goals we set, we have focused on compiling relevant opinions through consultation and communication channels.

The following model allows us to identify communication channels and frequency of contact with each of our stakeholders.

Stakeholder Communication Channel Contact frequency
Ethics Line.
Branch Communication Channels, Digital Channels and Advertising,
Support through Offices, Contact Center and Social Media.
Santander Customer Ombudsman.
Annual Call Fideicomiso Por los Niños de México, Todos en Santander.
Presentation and Publication of Reports based on the Stock Regulations.
Exchanges on which the Santander Mexico’s Shares are listed.
Publication of financial and non-financial information. Responses to questionnaires.
Annual Report (Financial).
Investor support line: 55 5269 2275
Investor website: https://www.santander.com.mx/ir/home/
Investor e-mail: investor@santander.com.mx
Financial Data and Non Financial Data Reports and Presentations.
Shareholder website: https://www.santander.com/es/accionistas-e-inversores
Shareholder app: www.santander.com
Shareholder e-mail: accionistas@santander.com
Shareholder Support Line: +34 91 276 92 90
WhatsApp: +34 91 276 92 90
Virtual Shareholder Service: Ciudad Grupo Santander. Av. Cantabria s/n 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid (España)
Local Outsourcing and Suppliers Management Forum.
Procurement Platform (Aquanima) and Information on Website.