• Responsible Banking Report | 2020


We undertake our activities with a clear focus on ensuring our results have the most positive impact possible on all our stakeholders, whom we have defined based on our global strategy contained in our General Sustainability Policy. Our stakeholders are Employees, Customers, Shareholders, Investors, Suppliers, Authorities, Regulators, Supervisors and Civil Society Organizations.

Comprehensive engagement with each of our stakeholders allows us to achieve our goals. Below is a list of the channels through which we communicate and collaborate with our stakeholders to forge and consolidate better relations, in addition to the frequency of contact.

Stakeholder Communication Channel Contact frequency
Complaint System.
Ethics Line.
Branch Communication Channels, Digital Channels and Advertising, Support through Offices, Contact Center and Social Networks.
Santander Customer Ombudsman.
Annual Call Fideicomiso Por los Niños de México, Todos en Santander.
Presentation and Publication of Reports based on the Regulations of the Stock. Exchanges on which the Santander Mexico’s Shares are listed.
Annual Report (Financial).
Shareholder Report.
Shareholder Support Line: 55 5269 2275.
Shareholder and investor website: https://www.santander.com.mx/ir/home/
Shareholder e-mail: accionistas_mx@santander.com
Investor e-mail: investor@santander.com.mx
Financial Data Reports and Presentations.
Local Procurement Committee.
Procurement Platform (Aquanima) and Information on Website.
Publication of financial and non-financial information. Responses to questionnaires.