• Responsible Banking Report | 2020

and recognition

Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance Index

Given our outstanding performance in the areas of Sustainability and Responsibility, Banco Santander México was included for the first time ever on the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance Index (DJSI MILA 2020), which is Dow Jones’ index for companies in Latin America that employ sustainable practices.

We are the only bank in Mexico to be included in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2021 thanks to the advances made in our practices based on environmental, social and corporate governance criteria. We were also awarded the Industry Mover badge for having improved on our score from last year, in addition to recording the most improvements within the financial sector.

S&P/BMV Total Mexico ESG Index

In conjunction with the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), we are part of the new S&P Dow Jones Indices (S&P DJI), the goal of which is to promote the Mexican stock market while significantly endorsing ESG performance (Environmental, Social and Governance).

FTSE4Good Index

For the third consecutive year, we have been included on the FTSE4Good Index as Santander Mexico.

Best Private Bank by Euromoney

For the third year in a row, Santander Private Banking was chosen as the best Private Bank in Spain and Mexico. Our commitment to Responsible Banking has been reaffirmed by winning the Best Private Banking - ESG award, as a result of its focus on environmental, social and corporate governance criteria and high-impact investment in Latin America, Chile, Mexico, Portugal and Spain.

Socially Responsible Company Award (ESR)

We were presented with the Socially Responsible Company (ESR) award for the 16th consecutive year by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility (AliaRSE). Tuiio, the Group’s financial inclusion division, also received this award.

Top Ten Super Companies 2020

We have been ranked ninth in the Super Companies 2020 rating, which is published by Expansión magazine, in the category of +3,000 employees, making us the highest ranked bank on this list. This ranking is developed by Top Companies.

100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation in Mexico by Merco

We are part of ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation in Mexico, published by Monitor Empresarial de Reputación Corporativa (Merco). In 2020, we climbed 3 places (from 16th to 13th).

Best Private Bank in Mexico by The Banker

The Banker magazine presented Santander Private Banking with the Best Private Bank in Mexico award for the first time ever. Furthermore, and as a clear example of the Group’s solid position in the region, Santander Private Banking was presented with a Highly Commended award for Latin America.

2020 Santander - Reforestamos México Award

In 2020, Reforestamos México recognized Santander’s 13-year partnership to promote sustainable development of forests and communities.

Best Bank for Financial Inclusion in Mexico by International Finance Magazine

International Finance Magazine presented us with the Best Bank for Financial Inclusion in Mexico award for our Tuiio program.

LINKERS Project Highly Commended by COPRED

The Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination in Mexico City (COPRED) held the first Best Practices in Workplace Inclusion competition, and our LINKERS Project was one of the Highly Commended entries.

ISO 14001:2015

We have been certified in this international Environmental Management Systems standard at our:

• Corporate headquarters in Santa Fe since 2004.

• Facilities in Querétaro – CTOS, Data Center II and Contact Center – since 2018.

• Corporate offices in Patio Santa Fe, which received this certification for the first time in 2020.

Platinum Award for the My Goals (Mis Metas) program by Fintech Americas

For the second consecutive year, we have been presented a Platinum Award – the highest honor for Financial Innovation in Mexico - by Fintech Americas, a community specializing in financial transformation in Latin America, for the development of our My Goals (Mis Metas) technology, which is the first behavioral-science based tool to promote savings. The platform, which , forms part of the Bank’s app, was selected from more than 100 innovations presented by banks and financial institutions from 20 countries covering a wide variety of innovation and transformation projects.

My Goals also won Gold in the Disruptive–Americas category, presented by Fintech Americas for promoting behavioral- science based savings.

Contact Center named Super Place to Work 2020

For the first time ever, our Contact Center was named a Super Place to Work (Súper Espacio de Trabajo), ranking in the top 10 companies with +500 employees. This award means that we now have another Super Place to Work within Santander, alongside Spotlight, our Digital Factory, which won this distinction last year. This award is presented by Expansión magazine, Top Companies and WeWork.

Héctor Mancera: one of the 41+1 LGBT+ Executives

Santander Mexico has appeared on this list for the first time after Expansión magazine named Héctor Mancera, Director of Individual Loans and Digital Products at Tuiio, our financial inclusion division, as one of the most influential 41+1 LGBT+ Executives in the community.