Responsible Banking Report |
Santander Spain
Message from Ana Botín
Business Model and Strategy (Corporate)
Responsible Banking (Corporate)
Here We Are: Santander Mexico
Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Directors
Letter from the Executive President and CEO of Santander Mexico
Our Essence
We Do Responsible Banking
Responsible Banking Model
Awards and Recognitions
A More Responsible Santander
Responsible Santander
Principles for Responsible Banking (UNEP-FI)
Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Risk Management
Business Ethics
Our Agenda
Our Responsible Banking Agenda
New Business
New Business
Our Employees
Our Responsible Practices
Digital Transformation
Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
Support for Entrepreneurs
Financial Inclusion
Social and Environmental Impact
Supporting Higher Education
Our Report
Our Report
Reporting Process
Materiality and Annexes
GRI Content Index and Responsible Banking Principles Index
Verification Letter
Report History
Our Contribution to the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Volunteers and beneficiaries, Hope Mexico.
MXN $195 millions in social investment.
73,608 people
138,703 microloans
96.2 tons of basic foodstuffs
donated, benefitting 15,031 people.
14 nutrition projects, benefitting 4,089 minors,
by Fideicomiso Por los Niños de México.
BeHealthy program for employees.
24 healthcare projects, benefitting 8,928 minors,
supported by Fideicomiso Por los Niños de México.
431 minor benefitted
with cancer treatments in alliance with Casa de la Amistad.
29 education projects,
3,128 minors
supported by Fideicomiso Por los Niños de México.
6,300 scholarships
through Santander Universities and the Higher Education Support Plan.
19,678 young people and teachers
beneffited through Bécalos and UNICEF programs.
55% of our workforce
are women.
of the Board of Directors
are women.
Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Adherence to WEP’s
(Women’s Empowerment Principles).
Renewable self-sufficiency energy contract
(wind), covering
of Santander Mexico’s
total electricity consumption.
Financing for three clean
50.3% of the energy
used by the group comes from efficient co-generation.
3,050 new hires.
1,662 employee promotions.
791,590 trainning hours
for employees.
14 editions
of the Santander Business Innovation Award (PSIE).
More than 4.1 million
digital customers
Collaboration on digital solutions with four Fintech.
Three projects financed
under the Equator Principles.
Signing of a credit contract for the
Delaro Wind Farm,
, which has a capacity of
117 megawatts (MW)
and is located in Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
social infrastructure
projects financed.
Environmental Management System.
ISO 14001:2015 Certification.
0.8% decrease
in energy consumption compared to 2018.
77.5% of the paper
we use comes from sustainable forests.
MXN $3,320,801 raised
via ATM’s for Reforestamos Mexico. recaudados
2019 Santander-Reforestamos México Award.
Seven years
on the Mexican Stock Exchange’s IPC Sustainability Index.
Adherence to 19
sustainable development
initiatives and indexes.
100% of our employees
have received General Code of Conduct (CGC) and Anti-corruption training.