• Responsible Banking Report | 2019
Principles for

Responsible Banking UNEP-FI

Banco Santander was one of the founding members contributing to their elaboration in alliance with the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).

Banco Santander

is a founding member and signatory of the Principles for Responsible Banking.
The Principles for Responsible Banking are the first global framework to help incorporate sustainability into all areas of banking. By adhering to these Principles, banks commit to publicly assuming the social, environmental and economic impact of their operations.

This initiative stems from the financial sector’s role as a key driving force in society, which is why it is necessary to formalize the banking sector’s commitment to helping tackle global challenges in order to continue helping the world to move toward greener economies, more responsible patterns of consumption and greater social balance.
Principle 1: Alignment
We will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks.
Principle 2: impact and Target Setting
We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services. To this end, we will set and publish targets where we can have the most significant impacts.
Principle 3: Clients And Customers
We will work responsibly with our clients and our customers to encourage sustainable practices and enable economic activities that create shared prosperity for current and future generations.
Principle 4: Stakeholders
We will proactively and responsibly consult, engage and partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve society’s goals.
Principle 5: Governance and Culture
We will implement our commitment to these Principles through effective governance and a culture of responsible banking.
Principle 6: Transparency and Accountability
We will periodically review our individual and collective implementation of these Principles and be transparent about and accountable for our positive and negative impacts and our contribution to society’s goals.