• Responsible Banking Report | 2019


Part of our job is to maximize our results, always focusing on a higher purpose that benefits all our stakeholders. The basis for identifying and selecting them is our General Sustainability Policy and the bank’s global strategy.

Below are the four major stakeholders (highlighted in our virtuous circle), and those with whom we have the most frequent contact:

Stakeholder Communication Channel Contact frequency
Complaint System.
Ethics Line.
Branch Communication Channels, Digital Channels and Advertising, Support through Offices, Contact Center and Social Networks.
Santander Customer Ombudsman.
Board of Directors of Universia.
Santander Universities Higher Education Support Plan.
Responsible Banking Report.
Social networks Santader Mexico.
Anual Call Fideicomiso Por los Niños de México.
Presentation and Publication of Reports based on the Regulations of the Stock.
Exchanges on which the Santander Mexico’s Shares are listed.
Annual Report (Financial).
Shareholder Report.
Shareholder Support Line 55 5269 2275.
Shareholder e-mail and website:
accionistas_mx@santander.com / https://www.santander.com.mx/ir/home/
Investor e-mail and website:
investor@santander.com.mx / www.santander.com.mx/ir/home/
Financial Data Reports and Presentations.
Local Procurement Committee.
Procurement Platform (Aquanima) and Information on Website.
Meetings and Coordination with Financial Workers Associations in Mexico.
Phone: 55 5257 8124.
E-mail: agduran@santander.com.mx